Saturday, October 08, 2011

Jenny Arrives in LA

Living in LA for five years has it's perks. Perhaps one of the most exciting ones is seeing friends that always talked about coming out here actually follow through with the plan.

A lot of people 'talk' about coming out here, but few people do. Over the course of the past few years, I've been able to roll out the 'Welcome Wagon' for some of my good friends who have made the trip out west.

Most recently was my friend Jenny Hoffman. Jenny and I have had a history together that dates back YEARS ago -- to the days when we used to be in summer youth theater productions together. She is now out here to continue pursuing her acting dreams of taking to a Broadway stage one day.

During her first weekend in town, I took her and her family around so they could get to know the area better. Below are some pics!

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