Monday, July 31, 2006

Day 2 Update

Today was an exciting day because it was our first day of class.

In the morning, Constantine woke us up around 7:30. Constantine is the manager of Montclair and runs everything that goes on here, which gives him the fun rights to barge in every morning and yell “GOOD MORNING!” He is funny because he is from Romania and has a hilarious accent. (More to come on the accent later.)

Anyways, this morning after breakfast we got to meet the guy who came in from France. According to Dawn, the French guy (who I can’t remember the name of) is “hott”.

After we met the French guy, we started to discuss some ‘heated’ topics (politics and evolution) with the guy that is in the room next door to us (named Jaden).

Jaden is an interesting individual. Jaden is similar to Michael Moore in more ways than one. He enjoys fighting his viewpoints that are quite random and pointless, and he feels as if they are always right no matter what. For some reason, he tends to often disagree with Dawn, and Dawn typically ends up shutting him down with facts. If Jaden would just admit that it is okay to “agree to disagree”, there would be no major problems. Quite frankly, right now, there ARE no major problems – but it is amusing to get into a debate with Jaden because he has unique viewpoints.

Anyways, at class today, it was exciting to start learning more about scriptwriting and the cool new cameras we will be working with for the next few weeks. The instructors are nice and I think they are valuable resources that will be utilized in the near future.

More to come tomorrow I’m sure! Until then, have a magical evening!

Day 1: Catch Up

Alright, so yesterday morning I flew out of Milwaukee around 8 or so in the morning to arrive in LAX around noon. The flight was long (but there were no problems or anything), and we actually arrived about a half hour early.

When I arrived, I met Jennifer (the lady from the college who picked me up) and a girl named Dawn. She's one of the 9 that we are rooming with at Monticlair (the apartment-style complex we are living at). Of the 9 people, she is the only girl.

She lives in Mississippi right near the border and was seriously impacted by Hurricane Katrina. She had a nice home and was transported into a trailer home and has been there for some time now. It seems though as if we have alot in common - including the fact that our fathers are police officers.

Anyways, besides her - I got a cool roomate named Aaron. He's a really nice guy and we get along well too. We went out to Wal-Mart yesterday and grabbed some food, etc to fill our new apartment with and things are going well.

Other than that...there aren't alot of other exciting things. It's a nice group of people we are here with and I'll have many more stories to share about them all in the near future.

The one conclusion we have come to so far is that we all feel like houseguests on Big Brother because of the security system/fences/whole scenario thing that we are in out here, so it's kinda fun and we've had some fun getting creative video taping as if it were true (we were taping Diary Room confessionals yesterday and plan to each day).

I'm sure I'll have more soon (hopefully tonight on Day 2), but until then, have a magical day!

Greetings from Hollywood!

Greetings everyone from Hollywood, California where I am finally posting my first blog.

I wanted to quick post a blog saying that the internet connection we have out here is a little shaky. I will be typing up my blogs before I go online to post them, and then hopefully getting a little spurt of online activity to actually post the blogs.

Please do continue to e-mail me and post on my blog and I will be sure to update the blog later tonight to update you on Day 1 and Day 2 activities.

I'll also try my best to repsond to all emails tonight, too!

Talk to you all soon!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


This is a test blog