Saturday, February 28, 2009

Good Morning America Video

Usually I embed my YouTube videos right on my blog, but for this one, you should click the link and check it out directly on the YouTube site. I tried a new feature on YouTube called "annotations" and it's pretty cool! Let me know what you think...

The link to the video is:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Martin Sheen

Many of you know that I like collecting autographs and such. It's a fun hobby of mine. A little over a week ago, I sent a letter (and autograph request) to Martin Sheen (the guy who played the President on The West Wing). In my letter, I asked for advice on getting into the industy, asked for an autograph, and also said my dad was a fan of the show :)

Today I recieved a hand-written card from him:

For those of you that can't read "Martin Sheenish", here's a translation:

Dear Kyle,

Many thanks for your letter received this past week.
I wish I could give you some advice that might be of some help but it sounds to me as if you have things in hand. You came to the right place to do what you love and you are committed -- all the rest will fall into place in time. Just stay focused and be true to your heart and sprit. I'll look forward to working with you some day.
With every good wish 'til then,
Martin Sheen

He also included this: :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Academy Awards Wrap Up

I LOVED this year's academy awards. I think they were done very well, with a ton of class and style. The idea of having 5 previous winners for Best Actor, Actress, etc...was FANTASTIC! I loved seeing the previous winners welcome the new winner. And as always, seeing the legendary Steven Spielberg give the award for "Best Picture" was pretty awesome, too.

For those of you that may have looked, I only missed 3 of the predictions. All the rest, I got dead on :) I was playing on online Oscar Fantasy game on during the show, too, and I ended up in the Top 10. I'll be getting myself an Oscar shirt (another one!) in the next week or so for making it to the top.

This morning I had the chance to be on the "Post-Oscar Special" of Good Morning America on ABC. I had a fantastic seat that was right next to the Executive Producer. It was also the area where Sam Champion and Robin Roberts would hang out before going on air, so I had the chance to really have some serious conversations with Robin Roberts. It was really fantastic.

I have a TON of respect for the professionalism that show always puts out (both on air and behind the scenes) every time I see them film live. Robin is so genuine and cares about the audience. She kept asking the DJ to turn up music on the breaks, she made sure we got fed, and she made sure to thank everyone and give hugs/shake hands.

At one point, before filming began in the morning, Robin looked up and saw this beautiful ceiling at the theatre we were shooting at. The first thing she said was "Wow!" out loud so everyone could here. The second thing she said (that was quiet, reserved, and to herself) was..."I hope the audience at home can really see this". THAT is the type of professionalism that is hard to find in this industry, and there is no doubt she is a rare catch.

At the end of the morning broadcast, they brought in the dancers from Best Picture winner "Slumdog Millionaire" to teach the audience how to dance to the Best Original Song winner "Jai Ho". It was pretty neat dancing the morning after the oscars, on national televsion, 2 feet away from Robin Roberts, WITH the stars of the Best Picture and Best Song. We even got free muffins. Life is good!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscars Setup!

They were setting up for the Oscars yesterday in downtown Hollywood. It's a pretty cool sight to see! Below are some pictures. I had some nice random strangers take the ones with me in them. :) Also! Check out my last 2 posts (before this one) that are also Oscar-related!

Oscar Hopes and Predictions

Because it is very important to study and understand the industry I wish to be a big part of, and since, you know, it's part of my path to stardom and all that stuff...this year, I made it a personal goal to see almost all the nominated films. I saw all the "Best Picture" nominations, and many others that are up for awards this year as well. For fun, I am running an Oscar Pool with...myself....

Here's the movies I am predicting will win in each category. Click for a larger view.

If I picked more than one for a category, that's because it's a really close call. If I was betting money, I'd pick the one that I underlined.

Here's the movies I HOPE will win (but may or may not...). Click for a larger view.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chad Vader

There's a YouTube series called Chad Vader that is actually filmed in Appleton, WI. I know a few people on crew, including the director.

They just released a special edition episode that is too good to pass up. Enjoy!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

MAGICAL Red Cross Class

Today I got to teach a Red Cross class at the Disney Animation Studios. It was awesome. We were surrounded by original drawings from classic Disney animated movies.

Enjoy the pics...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Harlem Globetrotters

Today I had the chance to be one of the 'official photographers' for the Harlem Globetrotters.

It was a pretty fun event (as the Globetrotters usually are), and it was neat to be there and take pictures of random fans, etc. I even got to see Barry Williams and Gordon Ramsay. Here's a few pictures of the setting and my awesome uniform.

Nice bright green shirts, huh??

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hollywood Collectors Show

Hello everyone!

Today was an exciting day. Once again, I had the chance to go to the "Hollywood Collectors Show" in Burbank, CA. I had the chance to see alot of great celebrities, take some neat pictures, and recieve some awesome autographs!

The entire album can be viewed at this link, but here's a few teaser pictures:

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Rude Awakening

Tonight at around midnight, I heard a really large crash from right my apartment. It sounded as if it had come from the street, and I could hear fire sizzling after the inital 'crash' sound.

Since I was still up (unlike the misleading title of this blog suggests), I decided to quick grab my camera and head down to the corner of the street to see if I could see anything. When I came to the street corner, I found a car on fire, with another car upside down next to it. The cars had crashed into some other (parked) cars that were on the side of the road.

I called 9-1-1 and noticed that everyone from the 2 cars were okay and conscious. They came out, and I helped one of them over to the side of the road who was having a hard time walking. On the sidewalk, I stayed with them until help arrived...which was about 12 minutes later (thank you LAPD). One was having a hard time breathing, one was in pain, and the other had a difficult time walking.

Once professional help arrived, they thanked me for my help and asked why I had the camera. When I explained I was a freelance photographer (that was also Red Cross Certified for Disaster Relief), the officer chuckled and invited me to roam and get whatever interesting pics/video I wanted.

Here's a few shots:

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Craig Furgeson

Hey everybody!

Make sure to check out The Late Late Show with Criag Furgeson tonight on CBS! I will be there with my roomie, Al, to see Robin Williams on the show! It should be pretty cool!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Kyle's Top 5 Super Bowl Commercials

Here's my Top 5 Super Bowl Commercial Picks. We'll see if the media/critics agree with me tomorrow and tonight when we watch the news.

1. Doritos Commercial (1st of the evening)

In my eyes, there was a tie for 2nd place...

2. Alec Baldwin - HuLu Commercial

2. Potato Head Driving

And the last two (technically numbers 4 and 5)...

3. Doritios Power Crunch (2nd of the evening)

4. GE Energy - Scarecrow Commercial

Jennifer Hudson + National Anthem = WOW!!!!!!!!

Jennifer Hudson just sang the national anthem at the Super Bowl.

HOLY COW that was amazing.

That is all :)

Ponder Points

Wow, I feel like I've been so distant from here latley. So many things going much to do....

The Hollywood Celebrity Convention is coming up on Valentine's Day. They have an even MORE amazing list than the last one I attended. Big names that I want to see include Eric Estrada and Carrie Fischer. Time to start saving my pennies, it looks like...BOY, it's coming up fast, but a chance to meet these guys and talk to them for a few hours is worth every penny. Not only is it neat to hear their stories, but to learn about the industry from real pros is something really special. Furthermore, it's a nice motivational boost to keep going.

Motivational boosts are good...especially right around now. I don't know why, but this week...although I accomplished alot, I feel like I'm still dragging a little. I'm really pushing for some new jobs and such, and things are SLOWLY working into place...but the word here is 'slowly'.

If anybody knows anyone that wants some VHS to DVD transfers done in the near future, let me know :)

We'll see what happens as time progresses. Things will work, it's just...slow.

I almost miss my friends back in Wisconsin a ton latley. Laura, John, Brandon, Sean, are all missed dearly right now. Being so busy and whatnot out here, it's been hard to hang out with alot of people from around the area latley. Furthermore, alot of my 'friends' seem to have really changed since the winter break. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to stay interacting with some of them....they like to take the dangerous college route and I'm not sure I want to follow. Correction: I will NOT follow. So we'll see how that goes.

More to come soon, as usual.