Friday, March 05, 2010

Stethoscope Sounds

A few weeks ago I saw a very creative advertisement for a Church. I thought it was pretty funny, but I wanted to try my own version and put my own spin on things.

Here it is! Tell me what you think :)

Disney in the Rain

A few weeks ago, Jessica and I went to Disneyland on a day that it was POURING rain. Some may ask "WHY?!", but a true Disney die-hard knows exactly why. Just about every ride at Disneyland is indoors, so really, nothing is just get wet going from attraction to attraction.

Because of the INSANE amount of rain that came down on this particular day, Disneyland closed the park two hours EARLY. That's how FEW people were truly in the park.

Regardless, Jessica and I had a blast...and although we got a little wet, we had some great one-on-one time with the characters, rides, and yes, the rain.

Enjoy the videos and pictures below.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Healthy Lifestyle is a Happy Lifestyle :)

As some of you may have heard, I recently began a new endeavor to become a little healthier. I am happy to report some good news :)

1. With the help of the Wii Fit, I have actually been moving, sweating, and working out more than ever before. I typically get in an hour or so 3-5 times a week, which is a HUGE improvement from the 0 minutes, 0 times a week I was doing before.

2. I have also cut back BIG TIME on soda. I still drink it when I am out and about, but around the house, I have managed to cut down to 1-2 'baby Coke cans' a day.

3. The calories are starting to burn off and I have lost a little over 10 pounds in 3 weeks. This is exciting. :)

For those that are curious, below is a video (this is my first time trying the new 'video upload' feature on the blog) of Jessica playing a fun game on the Wii. :) Don't tell her I posted this or she'll kill me! hehe...

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Red Cross Video

Every five years, the Red Cross introduces new programs and protocol. This year, one of the programs they are introducing is a project called "CPR Made Simple". It's a pretty exciting program, and they are filming videos for it right now...and GUESS WHO got to make an appearance in it?? :)

That's right! I did!

Take a look at some pictures below from a very fun-filled day of shooting with the American Red Cross!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

YES, I'm Alive!!

Hey Everybody.

I know, I's been a MONTH since the last time I updated. I'm getting pretty bad at keeping up on this thing. I still think it's a cool tool to keep everyone updated, but it does suck up some time. Lately I haven't had much extra spare time because I have been VERY busy with different things.

If I haven't said it enough yet, PLEASE make sure to follow my endeavors on Twitter. I know I've become lazy on here...but I try to update the Twitter as often as possible so people hear some excitement from California at least a few times a week.

So, what's new? Well, alot. Let's break this down:

Disney's DGA Program -- The big news is that I recently applied for Disney's DGA program. The application process just closed, so now I get to go through the agonizing process of sitting around, waiting, and hoping. The odds of me getting into a program like this are 1 in a million, but there IS still a chance. Fingers crossed, something might happen. It really is the dream job for the dream company, so we'll see...

I met the writer of 'Up in the Air' -- It's not a HUGE news story, but something cool nonetheless. Last month, I had the unique chance to see Walter Kirn in person. He is the guy that wrote the book that the script was based off of. It was pretty cool. He even signed my copy of the book. :)

Valentine's Day Weekend -- Valentine's Day weekend I delivered flowers to the great people of Los Angeles. Boy, people sure are nasty and rude when you deliver flowers. You'd think it'd be FUN, but it's anything but. The only thing that's really enjoyable is being able to drive around to cool places and see cool houses. I got lucky at the end of my run and I was able to drive along the coast for a while. That was very nice :)

We were on a Tsunami Warning / Watch / Thing -- Speaking of the coast, Southern California was on a 'heightened alert' a few days ago after the earthquake in Chile. People were afraid we'd get some pretty narly waves, but thankfully, nothing crazy happened. It does make LA citizens wonder if 'the big one' is on the horizon, though...

Modern Family @ Paley Fest -- A few days ago, I was able to see the cast and crew of "Modern Family" (ABC) at Paley Fest '10. Paley Fest is a festival that celebrates anything and everything related to TV. Each year, they invite the hottest shows to come in and talk about why their TV show is such a success. It was a very enjoyable evening filled with fun and laughter. I'll be back again in a few days to see the cast of "Community" (NBC), which will include Chevy Chase!

I got a promotion at the Red Cross -- I am pleased to report that I am now going to be helping with Quality Assurance and helping teach instructors how to teach. Right now, those are the basics of what I know...but there will be more details over time...

I'll be visiting in Milwaukee soon! -- In a week or so, I'll be coming back to South Milwaukee to help work with Mr. Bill Jackson on his last musical for the district. I'm working on some really fun videos for the occasion, and I'm also looking forward to seeing family and friends during my time home. Although things are finally going well out here, I still do miss people back home more than anything, so the small visits home mean a lot.

Yikes, that's ALOT of stuff! Sorry again for the delay. As you can see, I've had a pretty jam-packed month...and this is only the big stuff! I've also been to numerous screenings and interviews over the past month, making it hard to find the time to keep active on the blog. I promise I'll try to stay better acquainted with readers on here...but as I said earlier, check back to the blog often to at least check the Twitter those updates will change every day or so!

Thanks for everyones continued support while I chase my dream in Hollywood :)