Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Wow...Halloween already? That means my birthday is coming up super fast!

And before long...Thanksgiving! And then Christmas! How exciting!!!

Red Cross Halloween Party

Last night we had our Red Cross Halloween Party / Meeting. It was a pretty amusing time. :) Many of us wore simple, yet fun costumes. It was nice to catch up with the group, since we all get along very well.

I dressed up as 'The Great Pumpkin'. People got a kick out of it.

My boss dressed up as an infant manikin. That was pretty funny.

One of the other instructors dressed up as our boss. That was even funnier.

The group shot!

Friday, October 30, 2009

America's Funniest Videos

I had the pleasure of going to the special 20th Anniversary taping of America's Funniest Videos (previously known as America's Funniest HOME Videos). I can't say much about the episode, since I signed a big form saying I wouldn't say anything...but I WILL re-post what Tom Bergeon (the host of AFV) put on his blog.

Tom said...
"Taped special AFV last night with Bob Saget. Airs Nov 29 on ABC. The adults only version will make a great DVD. Or end both our careers!!"

I'll be able to explain more and blog about it once the episode airs :) But, needless to say, it was pretty awesome. Tom also released a picture. If you look in the top left corner of the picture, you can see two guys. I'm sitting next to them just outside of the frame :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

DirecTV Commercial

There's alot of talking going around right now about a new commercial that is out for DirecTV. It includes the late Chris Farley in a fun sketch with David Spade.

I think it's pretty fun, and kinda neat that we have the technology and smarts to pull something like this off. Most people think just the opposite...that it's rude and offensive.

Take a look:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Barry Manilow Concert!

I went to the Barry Manilow concert last night at the Hollywood Bowl!

Quit laughing.

It was a GREAT concert. Barry put on quite the show and really impressed the crowd by performing some rare songs and funny sketches. Enjoy a picture or two I took below!

Special thanks to Mom and Dad for this awesome concert birthday present :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Toy Story

Today, in just a little while, my friend Elliot and I are going to go to the El Capitan Theater in Hollywood to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D. It should be a good time!

Below is the new, official trailer for Toy Story 3, which comes out this summer. Check it looks hilarious!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Raining in California!

For those of you that might have heard, it's raining in California.

It doesn't rain often in California, and when it does, people here FREAK OUT. People don't know how to drive, traffic guards are brought in to assist, news stations cut to "BREAKING NEWS: STORM OF THE YEAR" clips, car accidents occur every five minutes, mudslides are taking out roads, and the National Guard is usually called in at some point or another by the Governor. Can you imagine if it SNOWED?!

Anyways, last night and the night before on 'The Tonight Show', Conan O'Brien observed the same reaction that us out-of-towners, (like Jessica and I), noticed to the California rain. When you watch them, you may roll your eyes or wonder why it's so funny...but this is an EXCELLENT, DEAD-ON parody of how Californians react to the rain. The 2nd one is even more accurate than the first. HAHA!

It's Been A While...

Hey Everybody,

Sorry it's been a while since I updated last.

For those of you that did not hear, my good friend Anthony Love's sister, Ashleigh Love, was tragically killed last week Tuesday. After hearing the horrible news, I spent the remainder of the week in shock, and my weekend was spent back in Milwaukee supporting Anthony and the rest of his family.

I am now back in Los Angeles and moving along. I've been putting up a lot of twitter updates lately (more so than blog posts), so be sure to keep checking those out on the blog! I know I've been slow and behind on blog posts, so fear not...I will be updating a lot more in the future, as I have many things to blog about!

Thanks to everyone for your continued support, and keep Anthony's family in your thoughts in prayers for the upcoming weeks...they need it.

A picture of Ashleigh, Mary, and myself singing karaoke at Anthony's grad party.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

How Many?

This is fun...
LogoThere are
people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?