Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey Everybody! A few updates lately...

Cooper Class - I recently had a chance to teach a class at Cooper Industries. Normally, unless I'm teaching at the studios, my class locations aren't THAT exciting...but this one brought some flashbacks of growing up. In South Milwaukee, I grew up about 5 blocks from the big Cooper building. Ironically enough, this Cooper building in Van Nuys, CA is about the same distance from my place out here. Crazy irony, eh? The folks were really nice and knew all the guys at the SM office. Small world!!

It's hot! It has been crazy hot again in Southen California. We've been pretty lucky this whole summer, so I suppose I should just shut up and take it :) Rumor has it that after this week, we will be entering our 'Fall' season in California.

Good Movies! There are alot of good new movies that are coming out! I'm REALLY stoked for 'The Social Network' to come out soon, but this past week I saw 'Buried' and 'Catfish'. Both were fantastic! I highly recommend both to anybody! At the theater I saw 'Catfish' at, they even had original artwork from Angela Pierce. (That probably seems like nothing...but you MUST see the movie to understand. Don't let anybody tell you about it before you go!)

Drew Carey - This is a pretty random side note, but holy cow!! Is it just me, or does he look like an ENTIRELY different person!?! Crazy!

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