Thursday, March 04, 2010

A Healthy Lifestyle is a Happy Lifestyle :)

As some of you may have heard, I recently began a new endeavor to become a little healthier. I am happy to report some good news :)

1. With the help of the Wii Fit, I have actually been moving, sweating, and working out more than ever before. I typically get in an hour or so 3-5 times a week, which is a HUGE improvement from the 0 minutes, 0 times a week I was doing before.

2. I have also cut back BIG TIME on soda. I still drink it when I am out and about, but around the house, I have managed to cut down to 1-2 'baby Coke cans' a day.

3. The calories are starting to burn off and I have lost a little over 10 pounds in 3 weeks. This is exciting. :)

For those that are curious, below is a video (this is my first time trying the new 'video upload' feature on the blog) of Jessica playing a fun game on the Wii. :) Don't tell her I posted this or she'll kill me! hehe...

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