Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscar Hopes and Predictions

Because it is very important to study and understand the industry I wish to be a big part of, and since, you know, it's part of my path to stardom and all that stuff...this year, I made it a personal goal to see almost all the nominated films. I saw all the "Best Picture" nominations, and many others that are up for awards this year as well. For fun, I am running an Oscar Pool with...myself....

Here's the movies I am predicting will win in each category. Click for a larger view.

If I picked more than one for a category, that's because it's a really close call. If I was betting money, I'd pick the one that I underlined.

Here's the movies I HOPE will win (but may or may not...). Click for a larger view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me ha hecho muchisima gracia ver a quien querias que ganaran en los oscars, porque son precisamente, los que yo también queria que ganaran.Mi hermano es un fiel seguidor de ellos, y es muy aficionado a ver peliculas antiguas. Se sabe absolutamente de memoria todos los ganadores de los oscars desde sus inicios...Nuestras actrices favoritas son Bette Dvis and Olivia de Havilland.
Afortunadamente, gano Penélope, pero no mi Brad Pitt (Amo a Brad desde mis 8 años).
Yo soy de Sevilla,España; y también sueño con ser directora...,tienes mucha suerte de poder vivir en Hollywood. Aprovéchalo!. Suerte. Patricia

p.d:espero que me hayas podido entender en español...because my english is patetic. i´m sorry.