Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I guess I should say "Happy Black Friday"...but Belated Thanksgiving sounds better. I hope everyone had a nice day with friends and family.

Yesterday was the first time I had been away from home for Thanksgiving, and to be perfectly honest, it was a little rough. I had most of the day to myself...which basically ended in me watching alot of videos, talking to friends back home, and thinking about alot of different things.

One of the major things I was thinking about, was obviously, what I was thankful for. I am thankful for way too many things to sit here and list on my blog, but I will give you a condensed version:

To anybody who has helped in my process of coming to California and persuing my dreams, thank you. My move out west has not been an easy one, and frankly, with huge talk of another strike and things happening in Hollywood the way they are, it will likley become harder before it gets easier. I am thankful, however, that I've had the opportunity to come out to this strange new land (and by that, I mean California) and fight for what I want to do. This is a challenging industry to even THINK about getting into...but I seriously could not have done it without the strong support system I have back home. Having this strong support system is what makes me miss home so much...which at times, is confusing...because it makes me want to be home when things get rough. I know that this is what I want to do....the problem, is creating my own system and 'flavor', if you will, for doing things that is different than everyone who came before me. With the industry changing so much, this is both easy and hard at the same time...but with time, things will happen.

Thanks again to everyone who has always been on my side...supporting me and keeping me motivated.

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