Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Reporting LIVE from the courthouse..."

Greetings, Everyone.

Happy freckin' Wednesday.

Boy, life dosen't get much better than this. I'm currently on the 'Jury Computer' in the 'Jury Hold Room' after being released from the first trial I was assinged to today. The trial was an interesting one, without question, but it was scheduled to last a long time, and that would have sucked. I got 'let go' by the Defendant because I think they were afraid I had a biased against something that related to their case.

It's such a great feeling to be in this small, crowded room; sitting around with a whole bunch of other angry people that don't want to be here. It's a little after 3:00 now, and if I can make it until 5:00, I am DONE with Jury Duty for a year! Knowing my luck, I have a long few hours still ahead of me....

Anyways, that's about all the excitement right now. I've been enjoying bags of free popcorn (hey, at least there is ONE good thing about Jury Duty) all day, but even THAT is getting old really fast.

More to come soon from the grouch who can't stand Jury Duty.

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