Hello everyone!
Boy, it sure is getting hot out here. It's in the mid-80s this week! I don't know if I can keep going on like this....
I thought that I would post a picture today for you to see what the High School I teach at looks like. It's ALOT different than the High Schools we are used to back home....this one is ALLLL outdoors. It's pretty neat, though...take a look:
Big Brother 9 premiered last night. Of course, since I'm a fan....I watched. I nearly beat myself up watching the intro and the "GET MOBILE UPDATES" commercial...but I survived. Yeah.....not much else to talk about there.
My good friend from Wisconsin, Brandon Clemmer, will hopefully be coming to visit this weekend. We have some exciting things planned for his visit and it should be a good time! Fingers crossed, the flights stay open like they are....
When he comes out, one of our stops will be in downtown Hollywood. They have all the Oscars on display right now....and for a small $5.00....you can hold one and get your picture taken with it =] ! YAY!
In other news, I was informed a few days ago that the High School is doing another "Persian Market" this year. I was asked if there was anything for this auction I could donate. After some thinking and talking with one of my friends out here, luck would have it that I did, in fact, find something. I mentioned to one of my classmates that I was looking for something to donate...and he said, "why don't you do something with your 007 movie?" I asked what he meant, and he said "get someone like Pierce Brosnan to sign a copy". I thought this would be cool, but I also knew the odds of THAT happening were about 10,000,000 to 1. However, my classmate and friend happens to be friends with the neighbors of Pierce, and said he could probably get a few copies of my movie signed. So, I am pleased to report that one of these few copies of SMHS: 007 that I am getting back signed, will be going to the Persian Market, in hopes of helping Mr. Cartwright and SMHS in meeting their goals for raising money this year!
Anyways, thats about it for right now. I have TV Production tonight and then Cinematography class early in the morning. I'm sure there will be more updates soon...especially once Brandon gets here.
Stay tuned!
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