Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hollywood Happens

I have a new phrase that many people might hear me using more often. It's "Hollywood Happens". This refers to Hollywood in general...the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything else related.

Example of it in context (for those of us still confused and learning):

Did you hear that J-Lo was pregnant?
Did you hear that Michael Jackson was the dad?
Yeah, well, Hollywood Happens.

Okay, so not the greatest example...but it's kind of an excuse for 'shit happens...but in Hollywood.' (Pardon my french to all the children of the world reading my blog)

So, here's what happened Monday that makes me want to use this phrase:

In our PRINCIPLES OF PRODUCTION class, we showed our final exams (which were two movies) in class. For those that didn't hear, the movie shoots went horrible because the people didn't really recognize me in one (where I set up most of the lights), and in the other one, they had me as an actor but decided not to tell me until 2 minutes before the shoot...which was...special since everyone else knew except for me.

So, we screened the first movie...the one I helped with lights on...and first off, the editing was horrible. They had fades EVERYWHERE for a scene that didn't deserve more than two, but that's besides the point. The credits rolled at the end and my name came up as a "grip", when in reality, if I did lights, I should be "Director of Photography" or "Lighting Assistant" or something higher than grip. But OK, I'll bite the bullet on that and move on....Hollywood Happens, right?

So then the second movie premieres, and contrary to the first, this movie was very well edited. I found out that (through the magic of editing, making my voice scarier than it already is, and making my feet seem 10x bigger than normal) I was the main antagonist in the movie...which is kind of neat. I was pretty happy and things were well and good.....until the credits rolled. It seems as if KYLE OLSON was nowhere on the credits....which is extremley wierd since....oh, I don't know...they backstabbed me to begin with and then I practically saved their film and they don't have the common curtosey to put my name in the freckin' credits!?

I let out some of my feelings about both films after they were sreened and it seemed as if the instructor was with me. Wow....I just can't believe these low-life people are honestly THAT low.

Ah well, Hollywood Happens.....

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