Today I decided to take a trip up to Simi Valley, California - which is about a half hour away - to check out the Ronald Reagan National Library and Museum.
First, I must say, the site for the museum is amazing - with some great views of the valley to be seen. The entire atmosphere is very nice and relaxing, and the museum exhibits inside were stunning.
Here's a few pictures from inside the museum:
My artisitc attempt to take a picture of the Oval Office replica 'through the window'.
Another artistic attempt...this time, on the replica of the President's Situation Room.
Marine Force One
The President's Limo
President Reagan's Motorcade Escort
The President's Motorcycle Escort
An actual CHUNK of the Berlin Wall - outside the museum
Then! I got to travel outside the museum to find out that AIR FORCE ONE was parked and just WAITING for me to go by it and take a picture. We couldn't take pictures on board, but I DID get a Presidential Pose outside of the aircraft. (I even wore my Camp David shirt to make it look more presidential-like.)
So, to all my flight attendant friends and family....BEAT THAT!! :)
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