Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Keep Moving Forward

When Walt Disney was founding Disneyland, one of his biggest mottos during the project was "Keep Moving Forward". Although it may seem silly, it's a good quote to live by. Especially in the industry I'm heading into....which, ironically enough, was the one that Disney was a master at.

Obviously, last night was a very bitter sweet evening. It was great to spend time with all my friends for one last time, but at the same time, it sucked having to leave them for sunny California. This morning I even got a surprise from Carly and Sara before I left, which was very nice! :) To all my friends and family back home: You all will (obviously) be missed VERY much, and I hope to stay in contact with each and every one of you for long time. You all have my contact info, so start flooding in the e-mails.

Which reminds me....E-mails are the #1 best way to reach me over the next few days. While I'm on the road, I will be hitting wifi spots and such, and that is usually my time to crank open the inbox and blast through e-mails. I would love to hear from you all and I will make sure to get back to all of please, start sending!


Another theme that Disney (not Walt, but his multi billion dollar company) has made popular this past year is "The Start of Something New". Yeah...I would say that this is indeed the start of something new. It has been an extrmeley long day. 12 hours in a van driving next to corn fields is never fun to say the least...

But! Fear not, we have arrived in Nebraska and we have made it through Day 1 of our joruney to Hollywood. There isn't a whole lot to update on from the first day....just a LOOOOOOOOONG drive and more to me tomorrow. Be sure to check back, as I will be updating this entire trip....and obviously, when I am in Hollywood.

Once I get situated in the apartment, there will be ALOT of new pictures and videos coming be sure to check for that, too!

Until then, remember - "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" (another quote from Disney...)

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