Friday, August 31, 2007
Quick Update
Sorry I haven't had time to update like I was hoping last has been an extremley long drive! Thankfully, however, it is coming to an end!
Tomorrow at 9 AM I will be arriving at my new apartment complex and starting to settle into my new home.
My internet time will be limited, so please send e-mails that I can check when I DO get online (which will be on and off until Time Warner Comes....), and also remember to call and leave voice messages. :) I will do my best to get back to you all...but these next few days are going to fly by and be super hectic as I get everything settled before "Phase 1" is complete.
Thanks for your patience with the blog....and thanks for your support. Reading this blog means alot and I will continue to update it as long as people keep reading it! I can't wait to share more experiences with you all down the road....this is only the very beginning!
As the governor would say, "I'll be back" (on the blog) sometime soon!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Keep Moving Forward
Obviously, last night was a very bitter sweet evening. It was great to spend time with all my friends for one last time, but at the same time, it sucked having to leave them for sunny California. This morning I even got a surprise from Carly and Sara before I left, which was very nice! :) To all my friends and family back home: You all will (obviously) be missed VERY much, and I hope to stay in contact with each and every one of you for long time. You all have my contact info, so start flooding in the e-mails.
Which reminds me....E-mails are the #1 best way to reach me over the next few days. While I'm on the road, I will be hitting wifi spots and such, and that is usually my time to crank open the inbox and blast through e-mails. I would love to hear from you all and I will make sure to get back to all of please, start sending!
Another theme that Disney (not Walt, but his multi billion dollar company) has made popular this past year is "The Start of Something New". Yeah...I would say that this is indeed the start of something new. It has been an extrmeley long day. 12 hours in a van driving next to corn fields is never fun to say the least...
But! Fear not, we have arrived in Nebraska and we have made it through Day 1 of our joruney to Hollywood. There isn't a whole lot to update on from the first day....just a LOOOOOOOOONG drive and more to me tomorrow. Be sure to check back, as I will be updating this entire trip....and obviously, when I am in Hollywood.
Once I get situated in the apartment, there will be ALOT of new pictures and videos coming be sure to check for that, too!
Until then, remember - "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" (another quote from Disney...)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
On the Lot FINALE!!
First, and foremost, we now have an apartment to move into! This is extremely exciting since finding an apartment in California is NOT the easiest task in the world. It's a great little apartment complex that isn't far from the school and is even near by a small shopping complex and such. The apartment is nice and all utilities (except Time Warner's TV, Internet, and Phone) are covered. It's exciting, trust me.
Second, and perhaps more exciting, Krystal and I had the opportunity to travel back to CBS Studio City for the taping of the FINALE of "ON THE LOT". This was an amazing shoot!
Before the shoot began, the audience participated in a TON of pickup shots - which the producers and editors will use to splice into the final show before it goes on air. They had us do things such as clap, clap fast, clap slow, clap
while standing, clap while on our heads, etc....
When the show actually started, everyone was very excited. One of the neat things about the finale - was the fact that SO MANY audience members were famous people! From the actors and crew members that worked on each contestant's movie, to the actors and families of actors that came to show their support - there were a TON of stars. We got to sit a row behind Carrie Fischer's daughter - which was neat. She's a very funny (and sweet) girl! We also got to see Will's mom, which was neat. I congratulated her on Will's success thus far - and told her that he should be thrilled that he made it to the finals.
At the end of the shoot, the winner of the show was announced. This was very cool, and there was a TON of excitement in the studio for the winner and his family.
Who won, you ask? I'd love to tell you! But, unfortunately, I signed an agreement with fox - saying that I would not disclose any information about the finale.
"I consent and agree to keep the contents of the production confidential and to not disclose any information learned by my presence on set."
All and all, it was a great day and we had a blast at the finale - spending time with all our new celebrity friends and getting to see one of the biggest filmmaking competitions in the HISTORY of Hollywood come to an end - it was neat to see! I even had a quick chance to chat with Princess Leia for a little bit at the end before we left.
Here's me with my cool ticket and wierd hair:
That's all for now, folks! I’ll be back in 2 weeks moving in t the new apartment in Van Nuys - and I will be sure to update you every step of the way.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Kyle is....ON THE LOT!
Hello from Hollywood once again! I'm back, and this time, I am here for something very special. I am pleased to brag that I was lucky enough to receive two tickets to the final two tapings of "ON THE LOT" - the reality TV show about filmmakers that has been on FOX all summer. Today, Krystal and I traveled to Studio City to witness the amazing "Final 3" episode.
First, I must explain a little bit about Studio City. For those who are unaware, Studio City is literally what it sounds like. This is the city that is inbetween Van Nuys (where I'll hopefully be living) and Universal City (where I'll hopefully be working). The city is FULL of different studios - including, (but not limited to): Warner Brothers, Disney, ABC, NBC, Dream Works, Sony, and CBS.
When we arrived, we were a little earlier than we had planned (traffic was actually fast), so Krystal and I decided to check out a nearby "Film and TV" bookstore. Sounds like something right up my alley, huh?
The bookstore was fun and there were a TON of books! Obviously, every director that has ever LIVED has written a few novels - and each one is better than the next.
After reading all the fun books at the bookstore for an hour or so, Krystal and I went back over to CBS Studio City to park and grab our spot in line for the filming.
Some of you might be thinking....'Why are they going to CBS to film a FOX show?'
This is not uncommon in Hollywood. In fact, it's quite popular. Another prime example is the show "DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES" - a show owned by ABC, and thus by Disney, is recorded on the lots of Universal Studios. Sounds crazy? It is. The reason is simple. Each studio has something different and special to offer.
Depending on what the producers of the show need, they may end up at a wide variety of studios. Luck of the draw ended "ON THE LOT" at the CBS Studios.
When we arrived at CBS, we were instructed to go to the 3rd floor and park.
One of the greatest things about our stay at CBS Studios was getting to see all the awesome people, and their parking spaces! Everyone on floors 1 through 3 have reserved it’s always amusing to find the spots of those stars you enjoy watching on TV. (I happened to run into Julie Chen's parking spot - the host from Big Brother 8).
ANYWAYS....when we finally arrived on the set, I was speechless. The designers for the sound stage did an AMAZING job bringing this awesome 'movie theatre style' set to life. Furthermore, I give MAD props to the entire crew (cameras in specific) for the amazing job at making the set look 10x bigger than it really is. WOW! The set is SO SMALL, but you really wouldn't guess it if you watched on TV.
For the taping, Krystal and I were lucky enough to score front row seats - which was a real treat. We got to see and hear all of the producers talking - as well as see the operation of the JIB Crane - which is always amusing. Furthermore, Adrianna Costa, the host of the show, was often in our 'corner of the world' - so it was fun to wave at her and crack jokes.
The show went great and everyone had an amazing time. After the filming, Krystal and I got a chance to say "hi" to Garry Marshall, Carrie Fischer, and some of the previous "ON THE LOT" contestants - which was pretty cool.
Check out the screen shot from the episode - in which you can BARLEY see me!
Tomorrow we'll be back for the FINALE of the show - which should be VERY COOL! Stay tuned - you won't want to miss out on the exciting upcoming blogs! :)